Wednesday, March 10, 2010

32 Weeks!

After four long weeks, it’s time for some baby news! Since she still has a lot of cooking to do, there isn’t much to report, but we’ve been busy getting ready for her arrival. This past Saturday, we toured the hospital’s labor and delivery floor. It looks like every other hospital I’ve ever seen, but they do have Tempur-Pedic beds. Sunday, we had a full day childbirth prep class complete with breathing and floor exercises. It takes some of the edge off my anxiety to know that we’re as prepared and we can be and that I have the best birthing partner any mom could ask for.

These days, it seems like our little girl is running out of room to kick and her movements are more like an attempt to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I can’t blame her though. If I could find a comfortable position to sleep in, I’d stay that way for a while too! We’ve graduated to bi-weekly baby doctor appointments and Dr. Dupont says that everything is still progressing normally. I never get tired of hearing her little heart beating, so for me, the more appointments the better. I still have four weeks left at work and if everything goes according to plan, my last day should be April 2nd, Good (Great) Friday. I can’t wait!